Thones Kunders
December 1, 1729- Mary Tyson is born to Derrick Tyson & Ann Hooten in Abington Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
December 17, 1729- John Lukens, eldest son of Abraham Lukens & Mary Maurle, is born in Towamencin Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
December 30, 1729- My eighth great grandfather, Thones Kunders, dies in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In English, he was also known as Dennis Conrad.
Thones Kunders was born in Germany to Coentgen Lenssen Coenis & Anna Entgen Thones. At age 20, he was baptized into the Mennonite faith. He was a blue dyer by trade. He married Ellin Magdalena Tyson in Germany, and together they sailed aboard the "Concord" in 1683 to William Penn's new land in Pennsylvania, escaping persecution in Germany..There, they became members of the Society of Friends, the first meeting being held at their home in Germantown.
In 1688, Thones Kunders and the little band of Friends at Germantown, raised their voices in opposition to the institution of slavery, it being the first recorded protest against slavery in America.
He continued to live at Germantown the remainder of his life, in all a period of seventy-six years. His wife Ellin had died earlier the same year.
His daughter, Agnes Cunraeds, wife of Samuel Powell, died about the same time, perhaps on the same day.
Robert Proud, in his History of Pennsylvania
In the name of God. Amen.
I, Dennis Cunrads of Gerntown in the County of Philadelphia in the Province of Pensilvania being not of perfect health of body but of sound and Perfect mind and memory Praise be therefore given to almighty God. Do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) first and Principally I Commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the merits
of Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my sins, and to Inherit everlasting Life, and my body I Commit to the Earth to be Decently Berryed at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named-
And as touching the Disposition of all such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased God to Bestow upon me I Give and Dispose thereof as followeth.
Imprimis:-It is my will that all my Debts and funeral Charges be paid and Discharged.
Item. I Give and bequeath unto (my Son in Law) Griffith Jones The Dwelling house wheren I, (and the s-d Griffith Jones) now Dwell, and the Lot thereunto belonging Containing fifty acres of Land together with the Barns Stables Orchards Outhouses Stills (and Dying Kettle) Worms and Worm Tubbs thereunto belonging To have and to hold the sd Land with the Premises and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the
sd Griffith Jones his heirs and assigns To the only proper use and behoof of him the sd Griffith Jones and his heirs and assigns forever, He the sd Griffith Jones finding and allowing Anthony Loofe (now living with me) suffecient meat and drink, washing and lodging and apparrell So long as the sd Anthony Loofe Shall Live. And It is my will that my said Son In Law Griffith Jones Pay for the sd Land and Premises the sum
one hundred and fifty Pounds of Lawfull money of Pensilvania. After the Death of the sd Anthony Loofe the said one hundred and fifty Pounds to equally divided amongst my children. That is to say Cunrad Cunrads Mathida Cunrads, John Cunrads, Henry Cunrads, Ann Streepers Agnes Powell and Elisabeth Jones, Each to have an Equal Share and share alike of the sd One hundred and fifty Pounds To them and their heirs forever.
Item. I Give and bequeath unto my sd Children, Cunrad, Mathias, John, Henery, Ann, Agnes and Elisabeth All the Rest and Remainder of my Estate, both Personal and Reall to be Equally Divided amongst them Each of my sd Children to have and to hold an Equal Share of the Remaind of my sd Estate to them (inseverally) and to their heirs and assigns forever.
Lastly, I do hereby nominate, Constitute and appoint my sd Son Cunrad Cunrads and my sd Son in Law Griffith Jones to be Joynt Executo s of this my Last Will and Testament hereby Revoking
Disannulling and makeing void all former wills and Testaments by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Two.
Beit Known That before the Delivery and Sealing hereof I Give and Bequeath to (my above named Son-in Law) Griffith Jones The bed and furniture Standing in the New Room to be for the use of friends.
Witness my hand and Seall the day and year above written.
Sealed Signed Published and Declared in the Presence of us
(Mary Tyson and John Lukens are my second cousins 8 times removed. They are second cousins. Our common ancestors are Mathias Dohrs & Agnes Neesgen Op den Graeff & Coentgen Lenssen Coenis & Anna Entgen Thones.)
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