The gentleman had never married, but he apparently resided with Mrs. Mary Young to whom he left "Workinton" in his will. He was a Protestant. His mothers and sisters were Catholics, but he was a member of the Church of England.
Following is the will of Nicholas Lowe of St. Mary's County in Maryland, gentleman.
(Maryland historical magazine, Volume 2
To sister Susannah Digges all those tracts of land now Resurveyed into one called Bennetts Lowe in Kent County, also Land in said County called Green Oak, also land in Cecil County called Spries Hills on condition her husband Mr. Charles Diggs make over to my sister Mary Neale, Lands he claims belonging to his plantation in Prince County where his dwelling House stands or else Spries Hill and Green Oak to revert to sister Mary. To sister Elizabeth Darnall my now Dwelling Plantation known by Name of Parts of Delabrook Manner in St. Mary's County, also three tracts near St. Mary's Court House which Maria Farthing formerly had, also lands I escheated adjoining Farthing called . To sister Mary
Neal, land in Charles County called Barbados (1500 acres) exchanged with Mr. John Diggs. To sister Dorothy Lowe tract called the Golden Grove laying Dorchester County. To Mrs. Mary Young of St. Maries County for her life, tract in said County called Workerton, to revert to sister Elizabeth Darnal. To said Mary Young, four young working slaves, with twenty head of neat Cattle, ditto Sheep, ditto Hoggs, and two draft Horses, also furniture for One Room with two thousand pounds of Tobacco. Rest to sisters to be divided, but Negro Familys not to be parted at Division of Estate. Executors : Mr. Charles Diggs and Mr. Robert Darnall.
(Nicholas Lowe is my third cousin 6 times removed. Our common ancestors are Benjamin Gill & Mary Mainwaring.)
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