Thomas Potts marries Susanna in Abington township, Pennsylvania.
The marriage was accomplished in a manner "contrary to Discipline of Friends," and on January 26, 1733, they made an acknowledgement for their, "Disorderly Walking," which was accepted. "Disorderly walking" was a term that was used to cover a multitude of infractions, including fornication and having out-of wedlock children.This shows that Susanna was also a Friend, but her maiden name is not given. They resided in Bristol Township.
"It is agreed in the unity of freinds that all professing the truth, who have or shalbee guilty of any disorderly walkinge by which the name of the Lord comes to bee dishonour'd, shalbee by a particular paper for every such disorderly walking, condemned publiquely by freinds; if so bee they who are or may be concern'd shall refuse after foure or five exhortacions & admonitions, according to the good order of the gosple, to give forth a publick testimony, under their hands by which such particular disorderly practices shalbee judged & condemned."
(Russell Mortimer, ed., Minute Book of the Men’s Meeting of the Society of Friends in Bristol 1667-1686)
Rebecca Lewis is born to James Lewis & Sarah Potts in Pottsgrove, Berks, Pennsylvania.
(Mary Potts and Rebecca Lewis are second cousins. Thomas Potts is my first cousin 8 times removed. Mary and Thomas are first cousins once removed. Rebecca Lewis is my second cousin 7 times removed. Our common ancestors are Thomas Potts & Elizabeth Baset.)
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