"Run away from David Potts, at Socken above the Great Swamp, A Servant Boy named John Williams, about seventeen Years of Age, of swarthy complexion, has black Hair, and two Molds on his Forehead. Had on a brown linsey-woolsey Jacket, Leather Breeches, a pair of Shoe packs, and Stockings footed White. He is supposed to have with him a Big Bay Horse, with a Switch Tail, and a Star in the Forehead, a half crop and a half penny in the Ear, and branded on the near Shoulder I P with a Dagger, over it. Whoever secures him and gives notice to George Shoemaker, Innkeeper, in Philadelphia, so that his Master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and Reasonable Charges paid, by DAVID POTTS."
(NOTE: The Great Swamp was a marshy tract of land in the upper end of Bucks County, including the village of Quakertown. Saucon is the name of a creek emptying from the south-west into the Lehigh River, a few miles below Bethlehem. Before the year 1730, some Philadelphia speculators bought up large tracts of the rich lands in the Saucon valley and sold it out in smaller parcels. It seems quite likely that David Potts was then living in the Saucon Valley, within limits of either the present Lehigh or Northampton County).
The brand I P may have been the initials of Jonas Potts, who probably contributed to his son's start in life.
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