A Richard Thompson is listed as a County Justice for St. Mary's County from 1730-1733. County Justices kept a register of births, marriages and burials. They received a payment of five pounds of tobacco for these services.
County Justices also oversaw road building, courthouses, jails, and taxes. They appointed guardians for orphans, and kept an eye on the relationships between masters and servants.
After 1725- Mary Neale dies at the age of 26 in Calvert County, Maryland. Mary was born about 1699 in St. Mary's County. Her parents were James Neale & Elizabeth Lord. At the age of 16, she married Michael Taney.
(Susanna Tant is my first cousin 8 times removed. Our common ancestor is Robert Drury.
Mary Neale is my second cousin 9 times removed. Our common ancestors are Benjamin Gill & Mary Mainwaring.)
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