March 29, 1735- My sixth great granduncle, Ignatius Luckett, dies at the age of 46 in Charles County, Maryland.
Ignatius was born at the head of Port Tobacco Creek in 1689 to Samuel Luckett & Elizabeth Hussey.
In 1706, Samuel died and young Ignatius inherited the 100 acre tract known as "The Square Adventure", on the northwest branch of Zachia swamp. In 1714, he acquired another parcel of land called "Moore's Ditch" on the west side of Zachia Swamp; adjoining the land of George and Robert Goodrich.
Ignatius, a member of the Church of England, was a planter, slave owner, and grew tobacco.
He married Jane Hanson, and had many children. Jane survived him, dying in 1775, when she was 81.
In 1731, he paid Thomas Morris of Charles County 3000 pounds of tobacco for a portion of "Small Hopes", about 100 acres lying on the west side of the Wicomico River. And in 1732, he patented "Luckett's Level".
Will of Ignatius Luckett
Luckett, Ignatious, gent. Charles Co., 29th Mch., 1734-5;
16th Apr., 1735.
To wife Jane, extx., 250 A., being half of "Moore's Ditch," during
life; at her decease to son Ignatius and hrs.; and personalty. son
Samuel and hrs., other half of "Moore"s Ditch;" and personalty. sons
Willam and John and their hrs., 100 A. "Luckett's Level," 100 A.
"Square Adventure," 50 A. of "Small Hope," bought of Thomas Morris,
also interest in 200 A. of land for which testator holds bond of
father-in-law John Hanson; and personalty.
To son Thomas Hussey Lucket, £60 for purchase of land; and personalty.
To daus. Elizabeth, Anne and Charity, personalty; 1/3 of personal
estate to wife Jane, residue to be divided among all child., viz.:
Samuel, Ignatius, William, John, Thomas Hussey, Elizabeth, Anne and
Test: Francis Goodrick, John Hanson, Thomas Hussey Luckett.
Further Administration of Estate
Charles County Court Records
Sep 20, 1738. Jane Luckett, Executrix of Ign:s Luckett - D'r. To the
decd's estate then accounted for - 791.7.8M. The whole sum to be
secured & disposed according to the decd's Will - 791.7.8M.
March Court 1739 101
To his wife, a Negro man named Will, a Negro woman named Judy, and a
Negro man named Pompey, all appraised at - 88.0.0.
To his son, Saml, a Negro boy named Panizer, appraised at - 30.0.0.
To his son, Ign:s, a Negro boy named Ben, appraised at - 10.0.0.
To his son, William, a Negro boy named Toney, appraised at - 8.0.0.
To his son, John, a Negro boy named George, appraised at --8.0.0.
To his son, Thomas Hussey Luckett, 60 £ sterling in currency is -
80.0.0, and a Negro girl named Sue, appraised at - 6.0.0
To his daughter, Elizabeth, a Negro girl named Sissley To his daughter
Ann, a Negro boy named Tom.
To his daughter Charity, a Negro boy named Andrew. All appraised at -
To the widow's one third of the remainder except slaves - 125.15.10%.
The residue to be equally divided among his 8 children according to
his Will, which is to each 51.11.53/4, in all .-412.11.10.
John Winn of Prince Georges County & Thomas Hawkins of CC, Sureties.
Signed per order Wm: Rogers Regr.
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