Common Burying ground at Newport |
June 15, 1734- My ninth great granduncle, James Sisson, dies at the age of 78 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.
James Sisson was born in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. At the age of 24, he married Lydia Hathaway, daughter of Arthur Hathaway and Sarah Cooke. Lydia was born about 1663 in Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts. She died in 1714 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island and was buried in Newport Common Burial Ground. Lydia Hathaway's mother, Sarah Cooke, was a Mayflower descendant.
James was admitted as a freeman in Westport, Plymouth Colony (later Massachusetts Bay Colony) in 1684.
He was a yeoman, and kept a tavern. The tavern survived for nearly two centuries.
James was active in his community, serving as surveyor of highways, constable and selectman. He was a collector of taxes and suffered imprisonment because he would not collect the Church of England tax.
His will is dated June 15, and was proved December 1734.
At that time his inventory was 172 pounds, 18 shillings, 1 penny. His son Jonathan was executor of his will which names sons, Richard, James, Thomas & Jonathan and daughters Sarah, Rebecca, Content, Mary and Hannah.
"To son Richard, all wearing apparel, he having had his part. To sons James, Jonathan and Thomas, 5s. each. To daughter Sarah Davol a feather bed. To daughter Rebecca West, warming pan and iron kettle. To granddaughter Susannah Sisson a bed. To give daughters of representatives of deceased daughter Content's child, each one-fifth part of rst, viz: to daughters Mary, Sarah, Hannah and Rebecca, and to Content's child . Inventory =9C172, 18s, 1d., viz: wearing apparel, cash , 3 silver spoons, pewter, 2 combs, stillyards, 3 cows, yearling, calf, 4 swine, 12 geese, etc."
In the records of the Common Burial Ground at Newport, Rhode Island, buried along with James Sisson and his wife Lydia is "Bathsheba, wife of James, d 25 Nov. 1740 in 36 y". Also listed is "Elizabeth, dau. of James, d. 22 Aug 1774, in 49 y."
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